
MANRA Capital employs a strategic, disciplined approach to alternative investments, focusing on high-performing real estate, real estate-backed debt, and private equity. Our primary goals are generating cash flow and securing collateralized investments.

Our equity investments target sectors like hospitality, management, services, collectibles, trade, construction, and strategic partnerships, all chosen to enhance our overall portfolio. Every opportunity must realistically yield a minimum of 12% per annum, ensuring robust returns and portfolio growth.

Short Term Rentals (STR)

MANRA Capital is bullish on Short Term Rentals (STR) as an asset class. Seeking investment opportunities with cap rates above 20% while the average market rates is currently at 4.1% cap rate. A great business model and industry segment.

Real Estate Backed Debt

With rising interest rates alongside traditional lenders becoming more stringent, the space for private financing in the Real Estate industry, there are great opportunities for funds to make good returns with great security.


MANRA Capital actively seeks undervalued properties, groups and assets within the Hospitality industry that are ripe for accelerated growth, consolidation and vertical integration.

Real Estate

The current economic climate is causing inflation, risk of recession, increasing interest rates which combined, tend to cool down real estate markets. This means great opportunities to acquire undervalued assets.

Trade / Contruction Companies

Trade and construction firms are highly profitable and currently in high demand as there are not enough of them to service their communities. This sector is ripe for consolidation.

Strategic Partnerships

Natural synergy within the sphere of MANRA Capital allow for accelerated growth and revenue due to potential economies of scale and vertical integration.

Service Industry

MANRA Capital actively seeks undervalued companies, service providers and assets within the Service industry that are ripe for accelerated growth, consolidation and vertical integration.


An often overlooked asset class. Each investment is secured by the asset being bought and these assets grow in value by 20-40% each year and often by 2x-3x when released to the retail market.

Types of Investments

Although every investment opportunity is different, MANRA Capital generally focuses on these types of investment structures:

Limited Partnership

A limited partnership investment involves two main parties: the general partner (GP) and the limited partners (LPs). MANRA Capital always acts as the GP, managing the investment and making all decisions. Limited partners provide the capital and share in the profits and from their preferred dividends but have limited liability, meaning they only risk their invested capital. LPs are not involved in the day-to-day management, allowing them to benefit from MANRA Capital's expertise while enjoying potential returns from the investment. This structure balances professional management with investor security and profit-sharing.

Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets. MANRA Capital, acting as the Manager of the fund, oversees and makes all investment decisions. Investors buy shares in the mutual fund, gaining access to a wide range of investments while benefiting from professional management. This structure allows investors to leverage MANRA Capital's expertise, enjoy a diversified portfolio, and seek potential returns without being involved in daily management.

This type of fund is eligible for registered accounts.

Fixed Income

Fixed income strategies involve investing in securities that provide regular distribution payments and return the principal at maturity. MANRA Capital, as the Manager of these investments, selects high-quality fixed-income instruments to ensure steady income and capital preservation. Investors benefit from the expertise of MANRA Capital in managing a diversified portfolio of fixed-income assets, aiming for stable returns and lower risk compared to equities. This approach provides consistent income streams, making it an attractive option for those seeking reliable, long-term financial stability.


Equity strategies involve investing in or acquiring early and medium staged companies to achieve capital appreciation and income through dividends. MANRA Capital, as the Manager, selects high-potential companies across various sectors, including services, collectibles, trade, construction, hospitality, and management. We emphasize vertical integration and synergy across our portfolio, leveraging deep market insights and strategic analysis to identify and manage investments. Our goal is to outperform the market and deliver substantial returns. Investors benefit from MANRA Capital’s expertise in building a diversified equity portfolio, targeting opportunities that promise significant growth and strong financial performance.


Debt strategies involve investing in various debt instruments to generate regular interest income and ensure capital preservation. MANRA Capital, as the Manager, carefully selects high-quality debt securities, including real estate-backed debt and corporate bonds, across sectors like services, trade, construction, hospitality, and management. We focus on vertical integration and synergy within our portfolio to maximize returns and enhance security. By leveraging our expertise, investors benefit from a well-managed, diversified debt portfolio designed to provide stable income and minimize risk.

Real Estate Mortgages via Registered Accounts

The Registered Accounts Pool strategy allows investors to leverage various registered accounts, such as RRSPs, to invest in real estate mortgages. MANRA Capital, as the Manager, pools these funds to provide mortgage financing for high-performing real estate properties. This strategy generates consistent interest income while ensuring capital security. Investors do not own the real estate directly but hold the mortgage on it. By utilizing MANRA Capital’s expertise, investors benefit from a diversified, well-managed mortgage portfolio within their registered accounts, achieving steady income and growth with tax advantages.

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